2 minHow the DUTCH Test Can Help You Balance Your HormonesIf you have cramps, acne, bloating, brain fog, fatigue, or low sex drive then you should test your hormones with the DUTCH test
3 minWhen Should You Start Worrying About a Missing Period?Amenorrhea or a missing period is when your period has gone missing for more than 3 months (with a regular cycle) or more than 6 months...
2 minWhat I Wish I Knew Before Going on the Pill...As some of you may know, I had surgery at the age of 13 to remove one of my ovaries due to a cyst that was twisting my ovary. Once I had...
1 minHow to Decrease CrampsDid you know that 80% of women experience period pain at some stage in their lifetime, 20% of women suffer from cramping severe enough to...
1 minThings You Should Know Before Coming Off The PillIf you’re considering coming off the pill then you’ll definitely want to read this post! Before going off the pill cold turkey it is SO...